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Configuring certain areas of Secfense Broker requires at least some expertise in HTTP Protocol. Knowledge on how to debug browser traffic (i.e. with the use of Developer Tools) is also very useful. Training of the above is not in scope of this guide, user is encouraged however to pursue this knowledge on their own. The most efficient way to view HTTP traffic including requests that are of interest in Secfense Broker scope is Developer Console – a feature built in most browsers. You turn on the console by pressing F12 (in Chrome, Firefox or Edge). Describing the functionality of Developer Console is not part of this manual.

📄️ Configuring Applications

The core purpose of the Secfense Broker is protecting web applications. A simple setup was already explained in the Quick Start section of this document. The next sections of this guide will perform a deep dive into more detailed tweaking and adjusting of the configuration. This will help not only in the manual configuration of the rare cases where automated learning could not identify proper settings, but will also enhance user experience and provide more security to your environment.