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Customizing the visual representation of user views

In order to modify the graphics that will be exposed to your user based you need to identify the parts of the html/css code that are responsible for the looks of Secfense Broker screens and prepare your own CSS and graphic files (or fonts) to support your alterations.

With the CSS code ready navigate to Global Configuration under "Settings".

Upload the graphic files one by one to the system using the provided tool "Add new asset (image, font)" - uploading the assets will automatically create paths you can use in your CSS.

Update the CSS code with new links, paste the code in the editor and click "Save"

The changes you've made will take effect immediatly and will be visible when authentication is performed. Now you can test your solution and adjust the code when needed.

Custom CSS

Important: The "Custom CSS" section that enables GUI modifications to user views was added in version 15.6.0. In prior version you still need to follow this legacy process to customize the styles:

To customize the graphics and overall style of the user views, you will need some knowledge of CSS. Follow these steps to modify the graphics:

  • Prepare the internalauth_public_custom package:

    • login to the device using your preffered SSH client
    • login to the "internalauth" container dsh internalauth or docker exec -it $(docker ps -q --filter "label=app=internalauth") sh
    • within the shell copy the public category to /app/shared: cp /app/public /shared/public_templates
    • exit the shell: exit
    • download the public_templates directory from /secfense/app/shared using scp software of your choice
  • Modify the package to suit your needs.

  • Save the modifications and compress the folder public_templates into a ZIP file.

  • Upload the to /secfense/app/shared on the appliance.

  • Use the following commands to unpack the templates and apply the style:

    unzip /secfense/app/shared/ -d /secfense/app/shared

    mv /secfense/app/shared/public_templates /secfense/app/shared/internal_public_custom


    docker restart $(docker ps -q --filter "label=app=internalauth")

The newly added design synchronizes with the second device in cluster, so there is no need to repeat this procedure.