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Password reset

All passwords can be changed from any Superadmin account in the Administration section of the configuration.

We advise creating an account for each operator and using the default "admin" account only when absolutely necessary. However, if the only "admin" account password is forgotten, it is still possible to reset it using the CLI.

To reset the admin password:

Log in via SSH to the Broker CLI (user: secfense). Use the following webhook (REST API URL):

curl -k -i -X PUT --url https://<IP>:8002/admin/acl/administrators/password --data name=admin' --data 'password=<new password>'

Change the <IP> to Broker's address and <new password> to a password of your choice that adheres to the password policy.

This command can also be used outside of the Secfense Broker CLI scope; however, in this case, an authentication token is required.