

The number of threats targeting enterprises is growing drastically every year. The remote work has opened up new opportunities for cybercriminals. With the User Access Security Broker from Secfense, big institutions can easily launch and scale strong authentication across the entire organization and step on a path into a passwordless future.

The path to Zero Trust and Passwordless Authentication

How Can Corporate Business Easily Increase Security Level Wherever It’s Needed

The difficult thing about cybersecurity was always balancing on the line of data protection and user comfort.

Two biggest challenges that security teams face every day are:

1. How to increase the level of security without making a user’s life too hard?

Although data security, in theory, should always be a priority of each business unit, in reality, people always look for ways to make life easier not harder, so if they can skip a security procedure that causes them too much burden – they will.

2. How to increase the level of security operating on a very limited budget?

Let’s face it. Cybersecurity always comes last, and the space in the budget for this area usually comes after something happens. A successful breach, phishing attack, data fraud. That’s the moment when CEOs decide to invest in data protection.

So what’s the remedy?

We call it “microauthorizations”.

Microauthorizations were designed to make the user journey almost unaffected while substantially increasing the level of data security.

Microauthorizations help easily add additional authorization step anywhere in the application, without touching its code.

With microauthorizations it is possible to:

  • Track and register every attempt of accessing specific company resources
  • And therefore remove the risk of compromising the sensitive information
  • Without making the authorization process painfully complicated
  • And without touching the code of the protected app.

It really can be that simple.

To learn more about microauthorizations you can check this short showcase that we did during the technology event in Berlin.

You can also watch a complete two-factor authentication (2FA) method deployment performed on and executed in just minutes.

Why are Security Keys the safest authentication method on the market?

The majority of 2FA methods rely on a one-time password (OTP) that you need to verify your credentials with. While all 2FA methods without doubt significantly increase the security level comparing to password-only protection it is still possible to compromise a user account with a more advanced attack (using tools for a real-time phishing, such as Modlishka or Evilginx2).

In contrast, Universal Second Factor (U2F) Security Keys employ a physical device that a user need to have at all times during the workday. This setup is regarded as the strongest authentication method and has not yet been compromised.

This technology had been battle-tested by Google and since deployed none of Google’s 89,000 of employees have been compromised by a succesful phishing attack.

The biggest reason why U2F security keys have not become a golden security standard just yet was a cost factor. Deploying this technology was tied to a long and expensive coding process. Most of times the maintenance of the application and the necessity of sticking to one vendor service was a good enough reason to give up on the idea of deploying U2F protection within a company.

Today, it is possible to deploy U2F security keys authentication in a matter of minutes and at a fraction of previous cost. And, big companies don’t need to share any of their information with third-parties any longer. Instead, U2F keys technology can now be added seamlessly on top of the current infrastructure.

At Secfense, we’ve built a technology that allows adopting any two-factor authentication method in a matter of minutes.

Without software development, without contractors, and without a vendor lock-in. The authentication process protection lays on the additional security layer that enables 2FA authentication on any applicacion without touching the code.

Book a call

Testing enterprise solutions has never been easier. You can install a trial version of Secfense for free within one day, and within the next few days you can try out all of its mechanisms on as many applications as you like. Make an appointment with us and find out how to sign up for a free trial of the Secfense tool.


We are faced with new challenges every day. We must always be one step ahead of the attackers and know what they are going to do before they do it. We are convinced that the User Access Security Broker will bring security to a new level, both for those working at the office and from home. For us, working with Secfense is an opportunity to exchange experience with developers who put great value on out-of-the-box thinking.

Krzysztof Słotwiński

Business Continuity and Computer Security Officer

BNP Paribas Bank Poland