
  • Sell more

    If you work with biometric hardware vendors like Yubico, we make it simple for you to sell more of their products without any extra work. Partnering with Secfense means you can easily sell more hardware keys and MFA products without any additional effort.

  • Sell faster

    Make selling easier and faster by securing client applications, without any integration hassle. With Secfense, you can swiftly set up strong authentication methods like FIDO, passkeys, passwordless, and more without any software integration. This means selling more in less time.

  • Compliance with Minimal Effort
    Help your clients meet cybersecurity regulations like NIS2, DORA, and others in record time. With Secfense, compliance becomes easy, allowing you to sell solutions that meet regulatory requirements quickly and easily.

    How Can We Help You?

    Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch shortly.

    “Yubico’s mission is to protect and make the internet more secure for everyone. Partnering with like-minded companies like Secfense helps us further that mission and protect global organizations from malicious cybersecurity attacks.”


    We are proud to collaborate with industry leaders who share our vision for a more secure digital world.

    “We are excited to partner with Secfense to enhance our user access security for our web apps. By integrating their User Access Security Broker, we ensure seamless and secure protection for our applications and systems, delivering superior security and convenience to our customers.”

    Become a Partner

    Interested in becoming a Secfense partner?

    We would love to hear from you. Fill out the contact form to discuss partnership opportunities.