Secfense at the 30th Economic Forum
Between September 7 and 9, 2021, together with the most important companies, politicians, and activists of the Polish economic scene, Secfense will take part in the thirtieth edition of the Economic Forum, which will be held in Karpacz. User Access Security Broker will be presented to the audience in one of the thematic blocks as part of the project of development, promotion, and internationalization of Małopolska SMEs – Małopolska Innovation Rocket.
Secfense participates in the Małopolska Innovation Rocket program.
The Małopolska Innovation Rocket competition is intended for companies operating in the area of innovation and contributing to the smart specialization of the region and planning to enter international markets.
–Our current goal is foreign expansion, which is why we care so much to show ourselves to a wide audience – investors, foreign media, and representatives of the most important economic ecosystems – says Tomasz Kowalski, CEO, and co-founder at Secfense. – In Karpacz, we will also focus heavily on education. We intend to show everyone – including the politicians gathered there – that today it is impossible to function in organizations and companies without a global approach to protecting identity on the Internet, both for employees and users of all applications or systems.
Economic Forum or the Polish Davos
Participation in the “Polish Davos” is just the beginning of the benefits offered by participation in the Małopolska Innovation Rocket project. Together with other winners, Secfense has the opportunity to appear at the largest innovation fairs in the world in Paris, Amsterdam, Madrid, Lisbon, Barcelona, Valencia, Berlin, and Helsinki, as well as take part in the European Congress of Local Governments in Mikołajki.

Secfense at the Economic Forum
– What we do, i.e. enabling easy and quick adoption of multi-factor authentication on any number of applications, even in very complex environments, fits firmly into the current realities not only in Poland but also in every global market – continues Kowalski. – Identity theft, phishing, and social engineering attacks are today an international problem that can be dealt with using intelligent solutions that do not interfere with the convenience and intuitiveness of use.
The Economic Forum is the most important and largest political and economic meeting in Central and Eastern Europe that has been organized for almost three decades. The motto of this year’s edition is “Europe in search of leadership”.
As every year, a rich substantive program with over 200 events awaits the participants. The most important people in the country and in the region will travel to Karpacz for three days: leaders of politics, economy, local government, outstanding representatives of the world of culture and science. The debates are reported by journalists from all over Europe.