
Pełna ochrona aplikacji internetowych

Zabezpiecz każdy zakątek swojej aplikacji internetowej za pomocą Secfense

Full Site Protection to kompleksowe rozwiązanie zaprojektowane w celu zabezpieczenia całości aplikacji internetowych. Ta funkcjonalność, będąca częścią rozwiązania User Access Security Broker (UASB), rozróżnia sieci zaufane i niezaufane, oferując korzyści VPN bez konieczności korzystania z VPN. To innowacyjne podejście do ochrony zasobów cyfrowych umożliwia ukrycie aplikacji dostępnych w internecie tak, że są one widoczne tylko dla upoważnionych użytkowników, dla wszystkich innych użytkowników w internecie są po prostu niewidoczne, ukryte za niewidzialną kurtyną full site protecion i brokera Secfense.

Full Site Protection for web applications

Kluczowe cechy

Kompleksowa ochrona

Full Site Protection i broker Secfense zapewnia bezpieczeństwo już na etapie wyświetlenia i dostępu do ekranu logowania po wszystkie jej funkcjonalności.

Flexible control for administrators Icon

Elastyczna kontrola dla administratorów

Administratorzy bezpieczeństwa mają pełną kontrolę nad bezpieczeństwem aplikacji. Mogą decydować, które aplikacje wymagają ukrycia ich za zasłoną Full Site Protection, a które mogą mieć łagodniejszą politykę bezpieczeństwa i być dostępne w internecie dla wszystkich użytkowników.

Verification from a trusted network Icon

Weryfikacja z zaufanej sieci

Użytkownicy muszą aktywować drugi czynnik uwierzytelniania im pierwotnie uwierzytelnić się w zaufanej sieci, zanim będą mogli uzyskać dostęp do aplikacji, co dodaje dodatkową warstwę bezpieczeństwa.


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Zwiększone bezpieczeństwo aplikacji

Zabezpieczając aplikację jeszcze przed etapem uwierzytelniania, na samym etapie wyświetlenia ekranu logowania, minimalizujemy ryzyko naruszenia bezpieczeństwa danych i nieautoryzowanego dostępu.

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Ease of Deployment

Brokera Secfense można wdrożyć bez konieczności kodowania i żadnej ingerencji w chronione aplikacje.

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A cost-effective alternative to VPNs

Full Site Protection offers a more secure alternative to traditional VPNs, allowing you to use apps safely outside your trusted network and access them with FIDO/passkeys-based authentication.

Use Cases

Enterprise Web Application Protection

Enterprise Web Application Protection

Perfect for organizations looking to secure their internal applications, especially those accessed outside the office and outside a trusted network.

Securing customer facing portals

Securing customer-facing portals

Full Site Protection will help ensure that portals are only accessible to authorized users, thereby protecting sensitive customer information.

Secfense product synergy

Full Site Protection complements Secfense Microauthorizations and the FIDO2 Authenticator, providing a comprehensive security solution offered in the User Access Security Broker. It improves the security of the entire organization and the user experience, significantly reducing the burden on technical, support, and customer service teams.

Browse related Secfense products

Secfense User Access Security Broker UASB 1

Secfense User Access Security Broker (UASB)

UASB is Secfense’s core solution that includes Full Site Protection functionality.

Secfense FIDO2 Authenticator 1

Secfense FIDO2 Authenticator

This is an authentication application that, unlike other traditional authentication applications, is not based on TOTP codes but on public key cryptography and the FIDO authentication standard. Secfense FIDO2 Authenticator integrates seamlessly with Full Site Protection, enhancing security and user experience.

Secfense Microauthorizations ensure that each access point in your organization is precisely controlled and monitored in accordance with zero trust best practices and MFA and data security implementation practices.

Technical Specifications and Integration

Secfense User Access Security Broker (UASB) is crafted for seamless integration into diverse IT infrastructures, enhancing security without necessitating significant modifications. Here’s an overview of its technical specifications and integration process:

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Deployment Flexibility

UASB is adaptable for deployment as either a physical device or a virtual appliance, accommodating a wide range of IT environments. Typically provided as an OVA file, it supports easy installation on various hypervisors, with VMware as a commonly preferred option.

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System Requirements

Designed for efficient operation, UASB’s system requirements are structured to balance performance with resource usage effectively. As technology evolves, the solution is continually optimized to maintain this balance. Users should reference the latest documentation for the most current system requirements.

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Network Design

UASB’s „one-legged” network design, utilizing a single interface and IP address, simplifies network integration. It is versatile, supporting various deployment scenarios, including inline setups with or without load balancers and 'on a stick’ configurations.

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Authentication Protocols

Committed to phishing-resistant authentication, Secfense champions adaptable standards like FIDO2 and WebAuthn. It supports a broad spectrum of authentication methods, evolving with technological advancements to include the latest secure options.

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User and Application Management

The solution offers comprehensive user and application management capabilities, including role demarcation and trust group configurations. This feature set evolves to align with changing organizational needs and security landscapes.

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Integration with External Systems

UASB’s ability to integrate with external authentication services like RADIUS, LDAP, and OIDC provides flexibility in identity management, crucial for leveraging existing identity providers or directory services.

Scalability and Maintenance

Built for scalability, Secfense is capable of securing organizations of varying sizes and complexities. Its maintenance mode and clustering features are designed for high availability and ease of upgrades, ensuring minimal downtime.

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User Experience

Focusing on user-friendliness, Secfense ensures a seamless authentication process. Features like microauthorizations and customizable user dashboards are continually enhanced for improved security and usability.


API Access and Customization

Offering full REST API usage, Secfense enables organizations to automate and customize the solution, ensuring it remains adaptable to specific needs and integrates smoothly with other systems or workflows.

Incorporating these technical specifications, Secfense UASB stands as a robust, adaptable, and user-centric solution, continually evolving to help organizations fortify their defenses against phishing and other digital threats while enhancing operational efficiency and user satisfaction.

Protect your business with Secfense