How Secfense Full Site Protection Shields Netscaler Gateway Against Zero-Day Attacks | FAQ Session

How Secfense Full Site Protection Netscaler Gateway Against Zero-Day | FAQ Session

Netscaler Gateway is a critical tool used by organizations to ensure secure remote access and manage web traffic. It’s particularly popular in sectors such as finance, healthcare, and government services, where secure and reliable online access is vital. The Gateway helps these organizations by providing a way for employees to access internal applications remotely and securely, managing authentication, and ensuring that the web traffic is safe and efficient. However, its central role in network security also makes it a target for cyber threats, especially zero-day attacks that exploit unknown vulnerabilities. This FAQ session explores how Secfense Full Site Protection addresses these challenges, safeguarding the Netscaler Gateway from such advanced threats.

Introduction and Common Attacks on Netscaler Gateway

The Netscaler Gateway plays a pivotal role in many organizations, particularly in sectors where secure, remote access is crucial. It allows employees to access company applications from anywhere, managing user authentication and web traffic security. However, its widespread use makes it a prime target for cyber attacks. Among the most concerning are zero-day attacks. A zero-day attack is a cyber threat that exploits a previously unknown vulnerability in the system, meaning there’s no existing defense against it. These attacks are particularly dangerous because they can occur before developers can identify and fix the vulnerability, leaving systems like Netscaler Gateway exposed to unauthorized access and potential data breaches. Understanding and guarding against these attacks is essential for maintaining the security and integrity of any network utilizing Netscaler Gateway.

Vulnerabilities and Zero-Day Attacks on Netscaler

Netscaler Gateway, while essential for managing secure remote access, is susceptible to various vulnerabilities, including zero-day attacks. These attacks are especially challenging as they target unknown weaknesses in the system that haven’t been detected or patched yet. For example, the WannaCry ransomware attack 2017 was a notorious zero-day exploit that affected systems globally, including healthcare and government organizations, by exploiting a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows. Similarly, the Stuxnet worm, discovered in 2010, targeted industrial systems and was one of the earliest examples of a zero-day exploit used for cyber warfare. These historical instances highlight the potential severity of zero-day attacks and underline the importance of robust security measures, like those provided by Secfense Full Site Protection, to safeguard systems like the Netscaler Gateway from such unpredictable threats.

Procedure for Dealing with Zero-Day Problems in Big Organizations

In large organizations, addressing zero-day vulnerabilities is a complex and time-sensitive process. While they work on patching these security gaps, the delay can expose them to a multitude of risks. During this window, attackers can potentially gain unauthorized access to sensitive data, disrupt critical operations, and even implant malware or ransomware, leading to prolonged system downtimes and financial losses. The consequences can be particularly severe for sectors like finance or healthcare, where data security is paramount, including compromised patient records or financial information. This period of vulnerability underscores the necessity for swift and effective response mechanisms to zero-day threats, highlighting the crucial role of immediate protective solutions like Secfense Full Site Protection to minimize exposure and protect organizational assets.

Secfense Full Site Protection as a Solution to Netscaler Problem

Secfense Full Site Protection offers a tool that gives precious time to address the vulnerabilities of the Netscaler Gateway by essentially rendering the site or application invisible to unauthorized users. Without this protection, a website or online application is accessible to anyone on the internet, making it susceptible to attacks. However, with Full Site Protection enabled, the scenario changes.

From a user’s perspective, once Full Site Protection is activated, the website or application disappears from public view. It’s like having an invisible shield around your digital assets. Only authorized individuals within the organization can access the URL and reach the login page. To an unauthorized user, it’s as if the site doesn’t exist.

This approach significantly reduces the attack surface, making it much harder for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities. For users authorized to access these resources, the experience remains seamless. They can log in and use the application just as they would normally, but with the added confidence that their access point is secure and shielded from the broader internet. This invisible barrier provided by Secfense Full Site Protection is key to ensuring that critical applications remain secure yet accessible to those who need them.

Impact of Secfense Full Site Protection on Engineers’ Work

The implementation of Secfense Full Site Protection significantly transforms the security landscape for IT engineers and cybersecurity professionals. One of the most profound impacts is the elimination of a common attack vector: the login dashboard. Typically, the login page of any organization’s online portal is a hot spot for cyber attacks. However, with Full Site Protection, this vulnerability is effectively neutralized.

For engineers, one of the most frequent and concerning pathways for cyber attacks is no longer a threat. They no longer need to focus extensive resources on monitoring and protecting login pages against breaches, as Full Site Protection renders these pages invisible and inaccessible to unauthorized users. This significant reduction in vulnerability allows engineers to allocate their time and expertise to other areas of cybersecurity, enhancing the organization’s overall security posture.

In essence, Full Site Protection doesn’t just add a layer of security; it transforms the entire approach to defending against cyber threats. By making the common attack route via the login dashboard impossible, Secfense Full Site Protection provides engineers with the peace of mind that one of the most exploited aspects of their network is now among the most secure. This shift bolsters the organization’s defenses and streamlines the workload of cybersecurity teams, allowing for a more focused and efficient approach to network security.

Approach to Patching and Dealing with Zero-Day Problems

Secfense Full Site Protection introduces a fundamentally different approach to handling zero-day vulnerabilities and patching in network security. Traditional methods focus on identifying and fixing vulnerabilities as they are discovered, which can be a race against time. However, Secfense changes the game by making it impossible for unauthorized users to even see or access the Netscaler (NS) Gateway.

This approach shifts the focus from reactive to proactive defense. Instead of waiting for a vulnerability to be exploited, Secfense Full Site Protection effectively removes the possibility of such exploitation by hiding the NS Gateway from anyone not authorized to view it. This means that even if there are unknown vulnerabilities present (as is the case in zero-day scenarios), they become irrelevant to a large extent, as attackers can’t find or access the gateway to exploit these weaknesses.

By implementing this strategy, organizations don’t just patch up vulnerabilities; they fundamentally alter the attack surface. Unauthorized users, who are typically the perpetrators of zero-day attacks, find themselves completely barred from accessing critical points of entry like the login dashboard. This makes the traditional method of exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities through direct access virtually impossible, offering a revolutionary way of securing networks against these unpredictable threats.

Testing and Effort Required for Implementing Secfense Full Site Protection

Testing and implementing Secfense Full Site Protection is designed to be efficient and insightful, encapsulated in a Proof of Value (POV) approach. This approach showcases Full Site Protection’s capabilities and demonstrates its tangible benefits within an organization’s existing framework. Apart from FSP ability to safeguard applications like Netscaler behind the invisible wall you will also get:

What You Will Get:

  1. Total MFA Protection for One of Your Apps: Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to enhance security for a selected application, ensuring an additional layer of defense against unauthorized access.
  2. Universal MFA Implementation: All users of the chosen application will be equipped with the MFA solution of your choice, bolstering security across the board.
  3. Microauthentications for Enhanced Security: Introduce an extra layer of protection with microauthentications, providing subtle yet effective security checks.

You can order your demo here and when you’re ready to test full site protection on your infrastructure you can order proof of value here.

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We are faced with new challenges every day. We must always be one step ahead of the attackers and know what they are going to do before they do it. We are convinced that the User Access Security Broker will bring security to a new level, both for those working at the office and from home. For us, working with Secfense is an opportunity to exchange experience with developers who put great value on out-of-the-box thinking.

Krzysztof Słotwiński

Business Continuity and Computer Security Officer

BNP Paribas Bank Poland

As part of the pre-implementation analysis, we verified that users utilize a wide range of client platforms: desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and traditional mobile phones. Each of these devices differs in technological advancement, features, and level of security. Because of this, and also due to the recommendation of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (UKNF), we decided to introduce additional protection in the form of multi-factor authentication mechanisms based on FIDO. As a result, users of our applications can log in safely, avoiding common cyber threats such as phishing, account takeover, and theft of their own and their clients’ data.

Marcin Bobruk



We are excited to partner with Secfense to enhance our user access security for our web apps. By integrating their User Access Security Broker, we ensure seamless and secure protection for our applications and systems, delivering superior security and convenience to our customers.

Charm Abeywardana

IT & Infrastructure

Visium Networks

Before investing in Secfense, we had the opportunity to talk to its existing clients. Their reactions were unanimous: wow, it’s so easy to use. We were particularly impressed by the fact that implementing their solution does not require the involvement of IT developers. It gives Secfense a huge advantage over the competition, and at the same time opens the door to potential customers who so far were afraid of changes related to the implementation of multi-factor authentication solutions.

Mateusz Bodio

Managing Director


Even when the network and infrastructure are secured enough, social engineering and passwords can be used to gain control of the system by attackers. Multifactor authentication is the current trend. Secfense addresses this and allows you to build zero trust security and upgrade your current systems to passwordless applications within minutes, solving this problem right away,” said Eduard Kučera, Partner at Presto Ventures and cybersecurity expert – former Director in hugely successful Czech multinational cyber security firm Avast.

Eduard Kučera


Presto Ventures

One of the biggest challenges the world is facing today is securing our identity online. That’s why we were so keen to have Secfense in our portfolio. They make it possible to introduce strong authentication in an automated way. Until now, organizations had to selectively protect applications because the deployment of new technology was very hard, or even impossible. With Secfense, the implementation of multi-factor authentication is no longer a problem, and all organizations can use the highest standards of authentication security.

Stanislav Ivanov

Founding Partner

Tera Ventures

Two-factor authentication is known to be one of the best ways to protect against phishing; however, its implementation has always been difficult. Secfense helped us solve that problem. With their security broker, we were able to introduce various 2FA methods on our web applications at once.

Dariusz Pitala

Head of IT